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China's vitamin market is stable, the price of most categories remains stable, the price of a few varieties is strong, and the market atmosphere is relatively active. Downstream demand is still not boosted, and the terminal is mainly based on just-needed procurement. The 22nd World Pharmaceutical Raw Materials China Exhibition (CPHI China 2024) will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center on June 19-21, 2024, many vitamin manufacturers and domestic and foreign buyers will gather in Shanghai, the recent trend of vitamin B1, D3, E and other popular categories is concerned, the first five months of this year, The fluctuation of vitamin prices should not be too large, and the cycle will not be too long, because the overall demand is still weak.

The European vitamin market is relatively stable, because the market fluctuations brought about by the rise in freight prices some time ago have gradually calmed down, the prices of most products have remained stable, and the prices of individual varieties have changed slightly. There is no significant improvement in market demand. Freight rates have risen further, reaching 7,500 euros in late June for a 40-foot container.

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